Geelong 900 2025 AM Flight

Level: Club
Judge(s): Barnaby Gray
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's/X'sX'sAvgRatingTotal
Under 14 Female Recurve
1stHenry-Cheetham, OliviaGeelong ArchersJunior Canberra615936.8326.0615
Under 14 Male Compound
1stAllan, RhysGeelong ArchersJunior Canberra6991567.7736.9699
Under 14 Male Recurve
1stShaw, MitchellMoorabbin Archery ClubJunior Canberra604206.7124.8604
Under 16 Female Compound
1stHelleren, LilyWerribee Archers inc.Short Canberra82738159.1975.7827
Under 16 Male Compound
1stBiviano, JayGeelong ArchersShort Canberra82235129.1374.2822
2ndPollerd, RhysTwin City Archers GippslandShort Canberra81534119.0672.2815
Under 18 Female Compound
1stHelleren, SophieWerribee Archers inc.WA 60/900 (Canberra)84347179.3790.6843
Under 18 Female Recurve
1stAllan, MelissaGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)520105.7838.1520
Under 18 Male Compound
1stGodber, TobyArchers of WarrnamboolWA 60/900 (Canberra)7792458.6672.9779
Open Male Longbow
1stKnopp, DieterPeninsula Target ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)250102.7813.3250
50+ Female Compound
1stKnopp, ChristinePeninsula Target ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7792238.6672.9779
50+ Male Compound
1stHastie, ShaunDiamond Valley ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)86458249.6099.0864
2ndTersteeg, PeterWaverley City ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)85751209.5295.9857
3rdGoodwin, ScottBox Hill City ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)84650169.4091.6846
4thPollerd, ScottTwin City Archers GippslandWA 60/900 (Canberra)8414559.3489.9841
5thFerrier, GavinSherbrooke ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7912698.7975.6791
6thIrvine, RussNorth Eastern ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7571878.4168.4757
50+ Male Recurve
1stMiddendorp, GerardAngel ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7822388.6973.6782
2ndBarker, MalcolmGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7742588.6071.8774
3rdDavey, KevinWaverley City ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7491738.3266.9749
4thBence, MartyGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)6851667.6156.6685
60+ Female Recurve
1stBarclay, FionaGeelong ArchersShort Canberra8203199.1173.6820
2ndNelson-Furnell, DawnAngel ArchersShort Canberra7902298.7865.8790
3rdMiddendorp, GerardineAngel ArchersShort Canberra7541438.3858.2754
60+ Female Barebow Recurve
1stPearson, LynGeelong ArchersShort Canberra573636.3733.6573
60+ Male Compound
1stRubins, AndrewSherbrooke ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)8283489.2085.6828
60+ Male Barebow Recurve
1stDe Amicis, NardoGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)6741137.4955.0674
2ndNelson-Furnell, PeterAngel ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)550706.1140.9550
70+ Male Recurve
1stCrawford , KenGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)665717.3953.8665
2ndHardy, RonaldChewton ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)569616.3242.8569
  • Click on the event name to view all flights as recorded
  • Click on an individual score to see that archer's scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.

Geelong 900 2025 Novice Flight

Level: Club
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScoreAvgRatingTotal
1stChalmers, CallumPhoenix Archery ClubJunior Canberra6761137.5134676
1stAllan, JoeyGeelong ArchersJunior Canberra670607.4433670
2ndLord, JenniferGeelong ArchersJunior Canberra601736.6825601
3rdDewhurst, ChristineGeelong ArchersJunior Canberra577636.4122577
Barebow Recurve
1stSaunders, BradGeelong ArchersJunior Canberra7922188.8054792
  • Click on the event name to view all flights as recorded
  • Click on an individual score to see that archer's scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.

Geelong 900 2025 PM Flight

Level: Club
Judge(s): Barnaby Gray
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's/X'sX'sAvgRatingTotal
Under 21 Male Recurve
1stGray, ArcherGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7692378.5470.8769
Open Female Compound
1stStrahan, LeanneSherbrooke ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7882388.7674.9788
2ndKnopp, ChristinePeninsula Target ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7641788.4969.8764
3rdThorne, SarahSherbrooke ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7131427.9260.7713
Open Female Recurve
1stJarosz, PeytonWerribee Archers inc.WA 60/900 (Canberra)7311758.1263.7731
2ndShields, NatalieMoorabbin Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)7001247.7858.7700
3rdPatel, SapanaGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)6991217.7758.6699
4thAirey, JamekaGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)6801027.5655.9680
5thWarrington , AdeleGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)545616.0640.5545
6thTaylor, KimPeninsula Target ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)498425.5336.0498
Open Male Compound
1stAlphonso, JulianMoorabbin Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)84446159.3890.9844
2ndKnopp, DieterPeninsula Target ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)84146189.3489.9841
3rdJones, KarlWaverley City ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)83841139.3188.8838
4thBowen, PaulSherbrooke ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)81027119.0080.4810
5thThorne, BrianSherbrooke ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)7741848.6071.8774
Open Male Recurve
1stParfrey, MatthewGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)722718.0262.2722
2ndTaylor, JustinYering District Archers IncWA 60/900 (Canberra)7121257.9160.6712
3rdTrivedi, BhagirathGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)703747.8159.2703
4thHulsman, TimGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)6891367.6657.1689
5thAllan, BradGeelong ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)6851487.6156.6685
6thE Caceros, Carlos FYering District Archers IncWA 60/900 (Canberra)511425.6837.2511
Open Male Barebow Recurve
1stBurban, MarkMoorabbin Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)7101457.8960.2710
  • Click on the event name to view all flights as recorded
  • Click on an individual score to see that archer's scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.
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