Ages 30-39

Level: Club
DOS: Christopher Lech
Judge(s): Christopher Lech, Robert Whittlesea, Glenn Martin
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's/X'sX'sAvgRatingTotal
Open Female Barebow Recurve
1stRosenzweig, KrystalLight ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m329105.4833.2329
Open Male Compound
1stDinnerville, KieranMt Petrie Bowmen IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m55225119.2079.7552
Open Male Recurve
1stLekkas, ChrisAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m5431889.0576.1543
Open Male Longbow
1stLewis, JamesLight ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m4441137.4050.4444
2ndDougan, JamesMoorabbin Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m197213.2816.4197
  • Click on the event name to view all flights as recorded
  • Click on an individual score to see that archer's scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.

Ages 40+

Level: Club
DOS: Christopher Lech
Judge(s): Christopher Lech, Robert Whittlesea, Glenn Martin
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's/X'sX'sAvgRatingTotal
Open Female Compound
1stRobinson, KatrinaSOPADouble Aus Indoor 18m57435209.5790.7574
2ndReynolds, TriciaPenrith City ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m5321858.8772.2532
Open Female Recurve
1stMuller, AmberLeighHobart ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m5171238.6267.4517
2ndShields, NatalieMoorabbin Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m5101238.5065.4510
Open Male Compound
1stMamo, JustinEden Field ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m59757389.95111.9597
2ndTeelow, DanielTableland Company of ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m58445199.7397.4584
3rdHooper, ToddBenara Bowmen Archery Club IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m57338179.5590.1573
4thHill, RaymondWhiteman Park ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m55424129.2380.6554
Open Male Recurve
1stColson, HarleyAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m5301758.8371.5530
2ndSouphandavong, SimonAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m5261428.7770.2526
3rdGounder, KaviSOPADouble Aus Indoor 18m5021148.3763.2502
4thMcGill, GrantWhiteman Park ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m4911138.1860.4491
Open Male Barebow Recurve
1stBurban, MarkMoorabbin Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m5051568.4264.0505
2ndSims, AdamAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m4951078.2561.4495
50+ Female Compound
1stAugello, LouMoorabbin Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m55927169.3282.8559
2ndTowill, MichaelaBenara Bowmen Archery Club IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m5532889.2280.2553
3rdDunn, Melissa-AnnIllawarra ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m54023129.0075.0540
4thBetterman, MargaretAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m5241768.7369.6524
5thStrahan, LeanneSherbrooke ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m5112068.5265.7511
6thQuinn, SuePhoenix Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m477847.9557.2477
50+ Female Recurve
1stDuncan, KayeBowmen of MelvilleDouble Aus Indoor 18m4931558.2260.9493
2ndNelson-Furnell, DawnAngel ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m485938.0859.0485
50+ Female Barebow Recurve
1stMcPhee, ColleenMt Petrie Bowmen IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m471847.8555.8471
2ndAllison, FionaBlue Lake ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m385406.4240.8385
3rdLamberson, AtonyaIllawarra ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m378106.3039.8378
4thStreet, JuliaFrankston Archery Club IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m365516.0837.9365
50+ Male Compound
1stRobinson, GarrySOPADouble Aus Indoor 18m59252299.87104.7592
2ndLamperd, EdwardKalamunda Governor Stirling ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m58646239.7799.0586
3rdChin, DanielHills ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m58144269.6895.2581
4thFrochtenicht, PeterEden Field ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m57842219.6393.2578
5thLange, MichaelBarossa Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m57639189.6091.9576
6thChapman, RobertBarrier Coast Archery IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m57243199.5389.5572
7thBarnes, MarkABADouble Aus Indoor 18m56836209.4787.3568
8thSpencer, TonyMoorabbin Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m56734109.4586.8567
9thBoundy, AnthonyABADouble Aus Indoor 18m56526129.4285.7565
10thBennett, PeterTwin City Archers GippslandDouble Aus Indoor 18m56137199.3583.8561
11thTubakovic, ZoranDiamond Valley ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m55628109.2781.5556
12thSchuster, JasonCressy BowmenDouble Aus Indoor 18m5261868.7770.2526
13thJack, PhilKalamunda Governor Stirling ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m327616.8132.9327
50+ Male Recurve
1stCaon, DanielAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m5031028.3863.5503
2ndThomas, Rob WAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m493938.2260.9493
3rdBottcher, TimThe Farm Indoor Archery Club IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m4861158.1059.2486
4thCummins, BrendanAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m474317.9056.5474
5thBowen, PaulSherbrooke ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m463927.7254.2463
50+ Male Longbow
1stYoung, BrendanArchers in MelbourneDouble Aus Indoor 18m466947.7754.8466
2ndHoff, AdamArchers in MelbourneDouble Aus Indoor 18m452727.5352.0452
3rdCoppell, CarlMoorabbin Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m251114.1823.4251
4thHockley, AnthonyCressy BowmenDouble Aus Indoor 18m191103.1815.6191
50+ Male Barebow Recurve
1stGooding, RossFrankston Archery Club IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m52219118.7068.9522
2ndEdwards, PhilipHills ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m461957.6853.7461
3rdBishop, JohnThe United ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m0000.000.00
60+ Female Compound
1stHeath, KerryCoast ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m55928109.3282.8559
2ndBiggs, ShirleyGreat Southern ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m55526159.2581.0555
3rdBraddy, VickiGreat Southern ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m5371678.9573.9537
60+ Female Recurve
1stHarris, SallyKalamunda Governor Stirling ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m4951128.2561.4495
2ndMiddendorp, GerardineAngel ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m495648.2561.4495
3rdBurrell, DeniseArchers of WarrnamboolDouble Aus Indoor 18m436427.2749.0436
4thDonald, MicheleMoorabbin Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m402406.7043.3402
60+ Female Longbow
1stSutherland, AnnSunset Coast ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m278214.6326.8278
60+ Female Barebow Recurve
1stHole, ElizabethGreat Southern ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m441547.3549.9441
60+ Male Compound
1stPotts, GrahamVictor Harbor Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m58748199.7899.9587
2ndLawrence, PeterEden Field ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m57942269.6593.9579
3rdPuckridge, JeffreyBlue Lake ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m57237189.5389.5572
4thKowalski, TomEden Field ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m55436149.2380.6554
5thClark, SteveGeelong ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m5271638.7870.5527
6thBencic, JohnABADouble Aus Indoor 18m4981248.3062.2498
60+ Male Recurve
1stHill, RobertBenara Bowmen Archery Club IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m5151358.5866.8515
2ndDall, IanCressy BowmenDouble Aus Indoor 18m5141468.5766.5514
3rdCameron-Tucker, RodneyHobart ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m4951038.2561.4495
4thHeath, KelvinCoast ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m470927.8355.6470
60+ Male Longbow
1stNicholson, BillKalamunda Governor Stirling ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m269214.4825.7269
2ndBroady, RaymondSOPADouble Aus Indoor 18m233103.8821.2233
3rdHofler, KurtVan Diemen ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m218213.6319.2218
4thStone, NoelBowmen of MelvilleDouble Aus Indoor 18m158002.6310.8158
60+ Male Barebow Recurve
1stMulholland, PeterParinga Archers Launceston IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m464537.7354.4464
2ndLoh, GeorgeSGPDouble Aus Indoor 18m4401057.3349.7440
3rdNelson-Furnell, PeterAngel ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m392526.5341.8392
4thBurns, MarkAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m385306.4240.8385
5thGambling, JulianAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m361416.0237.4361
70+ Female Recurve
1stSmith, NolaSouthern Vales Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m479727.9857.6479
2ndStrutton, LydiaVictor Harbor Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m356405.9336.7356
70+ Female Longbow
1stRoser, IreneSouthern Vales Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m169002.8212.5169
70+ Male Compound
1stCrabtree, DavidBenara Bowmen Archery Club IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m56530129.4285.7565
2ndHigginson, GraemeBarossa Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m55528149.2581.0555
3rdHarris, IanBlue Lake ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m55125109.1879.3551
4thWoods, LesGreat Southern ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m5441859.0776.5544
5thHolmes, BillEden Field ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m5372578.9573.9537
6thDyer, GeoffParinga Archers Launceston IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m5372298.9573.9537
70+ Male Recurve
1stMiddendorp, GerardAngel ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m5332168.8872.5533
2ndFry, GeoffEden Field ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m4931348.2260.9493
3rdBaddeley , RonYering District Archers IncDouble Aus Indoor 18m4791277.9857.6479
4thHocking, WayneHills ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m388526.4741.2388
70+ Male Longbow
1stGilchrist, RobertArchers in MelbourneDouble Aus Indoor 18m436317.2749.0436
2ndStamatakis, PeterAdelaide Archery ClubDouble Aus Indoor 18m331005.5233.4331
3rdHill, PeterArchers of WarrnamboolDouble Aus Indoor 18m148002.479.2148
70+ Male Barebow Recurve
1stGillett, KevinSOPADouble Aus Indoor 18m345225.7535.2345
2ndPetersen, RicEden Field ArchersDouble Aus Indoor 18m306215.1030.3306
  • Click on the event name to view all flights as recorded
  • Click on an individual score to see that archer's scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.