WA 60/900

Level: Club (WA Registered)
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's/X'sX'sAvgRatingTotal
Female Compound
1stBalla, MelissaAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)7982998.8777.0798
2ndMartin, SueAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)82936129.2185829
3rdBiggs, ShirleyGreat Southern ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)310618.6119310
Female Recurve
1stBlyth, ShannonAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)7642188.4969.0764
2ndReuther, ClareAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)7621848.4769.0762
3rdJohnson, NaomiAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)614416.8247.0614
Female Longbow
1stPettman, PamAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)422304.6929422
Male Compound
1stKuchel, AndrewGreat Southern ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)89282439.91117.0892
2ndMamo, JustinEden Field ArchersWA 60/900 (Canberra)86760179.63100.0867
3rdBentley, NicholasAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)85954279.5496.0859
4thDu Plessis, CharlKidman Archers IncWA 60/900 (Canberra)85549199.5095.0855
5thMoors, KieranSouthern Vales Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)85252209.4793.0852
6thSignorelli, JoelLonsdale Archery Club inc.WA 60/900 (Canberra)84539159.3991.0845
7thBalla, AttilaAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)83237169.2486.0832
Male Recurve
1stde Mello, ChrisAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)7762058.6272.0776
2ndDrown, ChrisAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)7681658.5370.0768
3rdReeves, ShaneAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)76725108.5270.0767
4thSheng, DongbiAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)7071027.8659.0707
5thCaon, DanielAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)6981127.7658.0698
6thLech, ChristopherAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)6971357.7458.0697
7thBown, KeithAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)6691417.4354.0669
8thCasperson, KeithAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)591636.5745.0591
Male Longbow
1stChapple, AlanAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)575406.3943575
1stPettman, DeanAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/900 (Canberra)573406.3743573
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