
Level: Club
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's/X'sX'sAvgRatingTotal
Female Compound
1stMartin, SueAdelaide Archery ClubShort Canberra85147169.4684.0888
2ndWhelan, MargHills ArchersShort Canberra80735108.9770.0886
3rdHulbert, MarieBurilda Archery Club IncShort Canberra84447179.3881.0865
4thBiggs, ShirleyGreat Southern ArchersShort Canberra80130108.9068.0856
5thAnderson, AileenAdelaide Archery ClubShort Canberra103208.580.0197
Female Recurve
1stStrutton, LydiaVictor Harbor Archery ClubShort Canberra6621007.3643.0899
Male Compound
1stHaylock, MarkBarossa Archery ClubShort Canberra82434159.1674.0918
2ndRowson, DavidBurilda Archery Club IncShort Canberra88274459.8099.0890
3rdBalla, AttilaAdelaide Archery ClubShort Canberra87872359.7696.0890
4thBergl, ShaneGreat Southern ArchersShort Canberra85452169.4985.0887
5thChambers, MichaelGreat Southern ArchersShort Canberra83337159.2677.0885
6thStaples, GarryBarossa Archery ClubShort Canberra86255219.5888.0881
7thPatmore, JohnBarossa Archery ClubShort Canberra81948239.1073.0863
Male Recurve
1stMacKenzie, AndrewEden Field ArchersShort Canberra81236169.0271.0930
2ndDrown, ChrisAdelaide Archery ClubShort Canberra82134159.1273.0890
3rdOpie, GregEden Field ArchersShort Canberra8333799.2677.0888
4thCooper, Robin AndrewAdelaide Archery ClubShort Canberra79324108.8166.0887
5thChapple, AlanAdelaide Archery ClubShort Canberra496325.5126.0859
6thFry, GeoffEden Field ArchersShort Canberra654737.2742.0812
7thPetersen, RicEden Field ArchersShort Canberra581436.4634.0789
8thNicoll, JeffAdelaide Archery ClubShort Canberra429214.7719.0782
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  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.
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