Level: Club
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's9'sAvgRatingRoundScore10's9'sAvgRatingTotal
1stSchulz, LukeLight ArchersAus Clout 145m2734127.5814.1Aus Clout 145m2773107.6915.6796
2ndSpicer, BarryTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m176144.890.0Aus Clout 145m131003.640.0777
3rdHumphries, AnnetteAdelaide Archery ClubAus Clout 125m106102.940.0Aus Clout 125m46001.280.0714
4thHodgson, GeoffTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m144024.000.0Aus Clout 145m127113.530.0695
5thHawes, BrandonCressy BowmenAus Clout 180m268297.4423.8Aus Clout 180m2968118.2234.7684
6thHay, BobTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m145004.030.0Aus Clout 145m200145.560.0659
7thSullivan, AlanTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m160134.440.0Aus Clout 145m168234.670.0656
8thKirlew, AaronTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m266397.394.2Aus Clout 125m259477.191.9605
9thBarber, KatelynTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m207255.750.0Aus Clout 125m262297.282.9549
10thWormald, SteveTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 180m195245.424.6Aus Clout 180m244366.7816.5519
11thRestall, TimothyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m143323.970.0 449
12thHeffernan, AshleyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m86002.390.0Aus Clout 145m121013.360.0287
13thKirlew, JeremyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m72002.000.0Aus Clout 145m122103.390.0274
14thMasters, RileyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m36011.000.0Aus Clout 125m84102.330.0200
  • Click on the event name to view all flights as recorded
  • Click on an individual score to see that archer's scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.

Single Clout - Best of 2 Rounds

Level: Club
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's9'sAvgRatingRoundScore10's9'sAvgRatingTotal
1stHawes, BrandonCressy BowmenAus Clout 180m2968118.2234.7Aus Clout 180m268297.4423.8362
2ndKirlew, AaronTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m266397.394.2Aus Clout 125m259477.191.9306
3rdWormald, SteveTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 180m244366.7816.5Aus Clout 180m195245.424.6284
1stRestall, TimothyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m143323.970.0 449
2ndSpicer, BarryTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m176144.890.0Aus Clout 145m131003.640.0411
3rdHumphries, AnnetteAdelaide Archery ClubAus Clout 125m106102.940.0Aus Clout 125m46001.280.0386
4thHay, BobTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m200145.560.0Aus Clout 145m145004.030.0357
5thHodgson, GeoffTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m144024.000.0Aus Clout 145m127113.530.0356
6thKirlew, JeremyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m122103.390.0Aus Clout 145m72002.000.0162
7thHeffernan, AshleyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m121013.360.0Aus Clout 145m86002.390.0161
Barebow Recurve
1stSchulz, LukeLight ArchersAus Clout 145m2773107.6915.6Aus Clout 145m2734127.5814.1400
2ndSullivan, AlanTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m168234.670.0Aus Clout 145m160134.440.0332
3rdBarber, KatelynTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m262297.282.9Aus Clout 125m207255.750.0302
4thMasters, RileyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m84102.330.0Aus Clout 125m36011.000.0124
  • Click on the event name to view all flights as recorded
  • Click on an individual score to see that archer's scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.

Sum of both rounds

Level: Club
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's9'sAvgRatingRoundScore10's9'sAvgRatingTotal
1stHawes, BrandonCressy BowmenAus Clout 180m268297.4423.8Aus Clout 180m2968118.2234.7684
2ndKirlew, AaronTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m266397.394.2Aus Clout 125m259477.191.9605
3rdWormald, SteveTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 180m195245.424.6Aus Clout 180m244366.7816.5519
1stSpicer, BarryTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m176144.890.0Aus Clout 145m131003.640.0777
2ndHumphries, AnnetteAdelaide Archery ClubAus Clout 125m106102.940.0Aus Clout 125m46001.280.0714
3rdHodgson, GeoffTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m144024.000.0Aus Clout 145m127113.530.0695
4thHay, BobTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m145004.030.0Aus Clout 145m200145.560.0659
5thRestall, TimothyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m143323.970.0 449
6thHeffernan, AshleyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m86002.390.0Aus Clout 145m121013.360.0287
7thKirlew, JeremyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m72002.000.0Aus Clout 145m122103.390.0274
Barebow Recurve
1stSchulz, LukeLight ArchersAus Clout 145m2734127.5814.1Aus Clout 145m2773107.6915.6796
2ndSullivan, AlanTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 145m160134.440.0Aus Clout 145m168234.670.0656
3rdBarber, KatelynTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m207255.750.0Aus Clout 125m262297.282.9549
4thMasters, RileyTorrens Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m36011.000.0Aus Clout 125m84102.330.0200
  • Click on the event name to view all flights as recorded
  • Click on an individual score to see that archer's scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.
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