Deb Upright Field Classic 2023, Flight - 28/10/2023

Practice: 8:30 AM
Competition(s): 9:30 AM
Judge(s): Robert Whittlesea
ArcherClubClassDivisionRoundTotalAverageRating% GMBClassification
Bettens, RileyVictor Harbor Archery ClubUnder 21CompoundWA Field 24Mk Red3024.1972.580.56Red
Bettens, TracyVictor Harbor Archery ClubOpenCompoundWA Field 24Mk Red2783.8665.672.89Red
Bird, AmandaSouthern Vales Archery Club50+CompoundWA Field 24Mk Red2483.4458.268.47Blue
Bird, KymSouthern Vales Archery Club60+CompoundWA Field 24Mk Red3044.2273.181.22Red
Bird, RyanSouthern Vales Archery ClubUnder 18CompoundWA Field 24Mk Blue3715.1587.8109.75Elite Bronze
Cole, GrantSouthern Vales Archery Club60+CompoundWA Field 24Mk Red3044.2273.181.22Red
Cole, JesseSouthern Vales Archery ClubOpenCompoundWA Field 24Mk Red3264.5380.284.42Red
Cole, KymSouthern Vales Archery Club60+CrossbowWA Field 24Mk Red2443.3957.267.29Blue
Crump, AllanSouthern Vales Archery Club60+CrossbowWA Field 24Mk Red2873.9968.175.67Red
Fores, AndrewSouthern Vales Archery Club50+CrossbowWA Field 24Mk Red3164.3976.985.44Gold
Head, NicholasSouthern Vales Archery Club50+CompoundWA Field 24Mk Red00.000.00.00
Hyde, JamesSouthern Vales Archery Club50+CompoundWA Field 24Mk Red3254.5179.988.78Gold
Hyde, NikkiSouthern Vales Archery Club50+CompoundWA Field 24Mk Red2693.7463.374.47Blue
Morriss, ChrisVictor Harbor Archery Club60+CrossbowWA Field 24Mk Red00.000.00.00
Potts, GrahamVictor Harbor Archery Club60+CompoundWA Field 24Mk Red3024.1972.580.56Red
Roser, IreneSouthern Vales Archery Club70+LongbowWA Field 24Mk Yellow1031.436.312.60
Upright, DeborahSouthern Vales Archery ClubOpenCrossbowWA Field 24Mk Red2303.1954.160.11Black
  • Click on an archer's name to see that scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.