7th Annual Invitational Clout Tournament, Clout AM - 28/05/2023

Practice: 9:30 AM
Competition(s): 10:00 AM
Judge(s): Andy Stanford, Junior Alexander
ArcherClubClassDivisionRoundDist 1ScoreAverageTotalAverage% GMBClassification
Biggs, NormGreat Southern Archers60+LongbowAus Clout 145m145m1403.891403.8945.90
Carter, RobertCressy Bowmen60+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m681.89681.8922.30
Chin, DanielHills Archers50+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m812.25812.2526.56
Hocking, WayneHills Archers70+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m1444.001444.0047.21
Jessop, BenjaminCressy BowmenOpenLongbowAus Clout 145m145m431.19431.1914.10
Lang, BruceEden Field Archers60+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m2125.892125.8969.51Black
Mengersen, BrentonLight Archers50+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m1213.361213.3639.67
Rosenzweig, KrystalLight ArchersOpenBarebow RecurveAus Clout 125m125m1544.281544.2850.49
Sadri, RamilHills Archers60+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m1343.721343.7243.93
Schulz, LukeLight Archers50+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m1423.941423.9446.56
Sims, AdamAdelaide Archery ClubOpenBarebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m2547.062547.0683.28Red
Sims, MatildaAdelaide Archery ClubUnder 16RecurveAus Clout 125m125m2597.192597.1984.92Red
Sykes, StephenAdelaide Archery Club60+LongbowAus Clout 145m145m1072.971072.9735.08
  • Click on an archer's name to see that scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.

7th Annual Invitational Clout Tournament, Clout PM - 28/05/2023

Practice: 1:00 PM
Competition(s): 1:30 PM
Judge(s): Andy Stanford, Junior Alexander
ArcherClubClassDivisionRoundDist 1ScoreAverageTotalAverage% GMBClassification
Biggs, NormGreat Southern Archers60+LongbowAus Clout 145m145m882.44882.4428.85
Carter, RobertCressy Bowmen60+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m471.31471.3115.41
Chin, DanielHills Archers50+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m641.78641.7820.98
Hocking, WayneHills Archers70+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m812.25812.2526.56
Jessop, BenjaminCressy BowmenOpenLongbowAus Clout 145m145m1604.441604.4452.46
Lang, BruceEden Field Archers60+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m1815.031815.0359.34White
Mengersen, BrentonLight Archers50+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m1323.671323.6743.28
Rosenzweig, KrystalLight ArchersOpenBarebow RecurveAus Clout 125m125m1875.191875.1961.31White
Sadri, RamilHills Archers60+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m992.75992.7532.46
Schulz, LukeLight Archers50+Barebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m2506.942506.9481.97Red
Sims, AdamAdelaide Archery ClubOpenBarebow RecurveAus Clout 145m145m2446.782446.7880.00Blue
Sims, MatildaAdelaide Archery ClubUnder 16RecurveAus Clout 125m125m2637.312637.3186.23Red
Sykes, StephenAdelaide Archery Club60+LongbowAus Clout 145m145m1353.751353.7544.26
  • Click on an archer's name to see that scoresheet
  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.