
Level: Club
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's9'sAvgRatingTotal
1stStrahan, LeanneSherbrooke ArchersAus Clout 125m236000.00-4.0236
2ndAshton, NicoleGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m194000.00-14.0194
3rdLICHT, SherynDiamond Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m171000.00-19.0171
4thMacAndrew, SusanGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m151000.00-23.0151
5thDavey, KevinWaverley City ArchersAus Clout 125m306000.0020306
6thNoorderbroek, RonGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m267000.004267
6thMacKenzie, AlexanderGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m266000.004266
7thDwyer, DarrinYarra Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m260000.002260
8thLICHT, GuenterDiamond Valley ArchersAus Clout 125m256000.001256
9thKennedy, DeanGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m241000.00-3241
10thBowen, PaulSherbrooke ArchersAus Clout 125m195000.00-14195
10thAshton, TomGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m193000.00-14193
11thWaller, DavidGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m185000.00-16185
12thBarraclough, TrevorGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m142000.00-25142
13thJinks, JasonGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m139000.00-26139
13thMann, NeilGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m137000.00-26137
13thShaw, DarrenGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m137000.00-26137
13thWomersley, SusanneGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m136000.00-26136
14thMoore, ChrisZ VisitorAus Clout 125m132000.00-27132
15thPartridge, DavidGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m123000.00-29123
16thWomersley, JohnGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m113000.00-32113
17thBolton-Baker, AndrewGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m78000.00-4178
18thAnset, BrandonGeelong ArchersAus Clout 125m14000.00-7614
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  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.
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