WA Star

Level: State (WA Registered)
DOS: Junior Alexander
Judge(s): Junior Alexander
Archer & PlacingClubRoundScore10's/X'sX'sAvgRatingTotal
Under 14 Male Compound
1stWebb, TobyHills ArchersAA 40/144012362778.5856.81236
2ndBettens, RileySouthern Vales Archery ClubAA 40/144011302187.8545.01130
Under 16 Female Recurve
1stLovas-Tiong, AdelynEden Field ArchersAA 50/1440119731128.3157.61197
Under 16 Male Compound
1stBlake, RoryEden Field ArchersAA 50/14401399105569.7295.11399
2ndBentley, NicholasAdelaide Archery ClubAA 50/14401399104569.7295.11399
Under 16 Male Recurve
1stReeves, ShaneAdelaide Archery ClubAA 50/1440125039128.6864.31250
2ndMoffatt, AngusAdelaide Archery ClubAA 50/1440120334138.3558.31203
Under 18 Female Recurve
1stBlyth, ShannonAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/144012072038.3869.91207
2ndCain, KeeleyCressy BowmenWA 60/14409891246.8750.2989
Under 18 Male Recurve
1stLewis, JetAdelaide Archery ClubWA 70/144010931987.5965.11093
Under 21 Male Compound
1stIneson, CallanVictor Harbor Archery ClubWA 90/1440129861239.0195.01298
2ndBalla, ChrisAdelaide Archery ClubWA 90/144011812378.2079.21181
3rdBetterman, TristanCressy BowmenWA 90/1440117128118.1378.11171
Under 21 Male Recurve
1stTansell, BraydenAdelaide Archery ClubWA 90/14409931036.9062.7993
Open Female Compound
1stBettens, TracySouthern Vales Archery ClubWA 70/1440113224107.8668.71132
Open Female Recurve
1stRieckmann, MarianneCressy BowmenWA 70/1440117720108.1773.31177
2ndFairweather, NickyCressy BowmenWA 70/1440117230178.1472.71172
3rdJohnson, NaomiAdelaide Archery ClubWA 70/14401044847.2561.11044
Open Male Compound
1stTafft, NicSouthern Vales Archery ClubWA 90/1440132360229.1999.51323
2ndMoors, KieranSouthern Vales Archery ClubWA 90/1440130959239.0996.91309
3rdLoi, TonyAdelaide Archery ClubWA 90/1440127052188.8290.61270
4thBalla, AttilaAdelaide Archery ClubWA 90/1440126744118.8090.11267
5thDemaria, TonyEden Field ArchersWA 90/1440126649258.7990.01266
6thStorton, RichardBarossa Archery ClubWA 90/1440124833158.6787.41248
Open Male Recurve
1stHolland, MattAdelaide Archery ClubWA 90/144010431727.2466.51043
2ndLangford, TrevorBarossa Archery ClubWA 90/1440804625.5850.4804
Open Male Crossbow
1stDibdin, MarkSouthern Vales Archery ClubAustralian 9607551077.8690.3755
2ndMitchell, GregGreat Southern ArchersAustralian 9607101187.4084.4710
3rdBlatch, PaulSouthern Vales Archery ClubAustralian 9606491246.7677.6649
50+ Female Compound
1stBetterman, MargaretCressy BowmenWA 60/144012654278.7877.51265
50+ Female Recurve
1stLewis, SallyAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/144011792078.1966.71179
50+ Male Recurve
1stOpie, GregEden Field ArchersWA 70/144011892068.2674.61189
2ndDrown, ChrisAdelaide Archery ClubWA 70/144011572398.0371.21157
3rdCaon, DanielAdelaide Archery ClubWA 70/144010251137.1259.61025
50+ Male Longbow
1stHay, BobThe Farm Indoor Archery Club IncAA 50/144010221167.1041.51022
50+ Male Crossbow
1stMorriss, ChrisSouthern Vales Archery ClubAustralian 960583426.0771.2583
60+ Male Compound
1stWalpole, BobEden Field ArchersWA 60/1440136075349.4495.01360
2ndStaples, GarryBarossa Archery ClubWA 60/1440135777309.4294.31357
3rdChambers, MichaelGreat Southern ArchersWA 60/1440123737168.5973.71237
60+ Male Recurve
1stLech, ChristopherAdelaide Archery ClubWA 60/144011362457.8962.31136
70+ Female Longbow
1stPettman, PamAdelaide Archery ClubAA 50/1440773725.3725.6773
70+ Male Longbow
1stPettman, DeanAdelaide Archery ClubAA 50/144010862087.5446.61086
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  • Scores shown in red indicate the archer's scoresheet has an error or is invalid. The scores displayed on this page are the valid scores that can be claimed by the archer.
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