2017 National Indoor Championships
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 14 Female Compound
1stLeonard, TabithaLismore City Archers1143
2ndForrest, TazminWendouree Archery Club1104
3rdNorton, EvaPenrith City Archers1077
4thCrampton, ClaireCoast Archers1076
5thReinbott, AmberZ Visitor1073
6thThomas, MatildaNewcastle City Archers1006
7thChick, OliviaDiamond Valley Archers933
8thBaxter, FelicityGriffith City Archers887
9thHatch, JosieCessnock Target Archers Inc.860
10thMoors, LillySouthern Vales Archery Club805
11thWalkington, CooperArchers in Melbourne626
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 14 Female Recurve
1stWitherow, OliviaMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1098
2ndMortimer, TianPhoenix Archery Club985
3rdLim, Yi WenYokine Archery Club936
4thSlack, CaitlinWeston Valley Archery Club892
5thLu, AmelieWerribee Archers inc.825
6thBezzina, LaraMt Petrie Bowmen Inc814
7thVashetharan, AmmruthaSOPA728
8thde Boos-Smith, SofiaBondi Archers Inc.710
9thHarrison, LaurelMt Petrie Bowmen Inc632
10thCordingley-Sheehan, TylaSOPA617
11thMcGuane, AlexisDiamond Valley Archers535
12thMcPhail, SophieBaldivis Archery Club496
13thO'Connor, AmelieBondi Archers Inc.441
14thFerdinando, RhiannonYokine Archery Club389
15thGittens, GracePlantagenet Company of Archers321
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 14 Female Barebow Recurve
1stScattergood, AimeeWerribee Archers inc.509
2ndMortimer, TianPhoenix Archery Club51
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 14 Male Compound
1stTurner, JoshuaEden Field Archers1087
2ndCampbell, MitchellWarringah Archers Inc1081
3rdWebb, TobyHills Archers1061
4thSmith, CodyWerribee Archers inc.1044
5thBauer, LiamHervey Bay Archers1006
6thClark, MatthewSamford Valley Target Archers1001
7thSmith, JoelBunbury Archery Club955
8thBower, LewisBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc952
9thKhaled, MatteoArchers in Melbourne936
10thNorman, ArissynKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers934
11thDi Battista, LachlanWerribee Archers inc.887
12thClay, OliverVictor Harbor Archery Club851
13thEades, MathewSherbrooke Archers820
14thFriday, BenVictor Harbor Archery Club799
15thBettens, RileySouthern Vales Archery Club766
16thCollinson, JacobTownsville Target Archers735
17thStocker, QuinnBarrier Coast Archery Inc668
18thGrichting, TristanWerribee Archers inc.609
19thKirton, JacksonEden Field Archers596
20thLove, IsaacVictor Harbor Archery Club493
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 14 Male Recurve
1stChatterjee, ArunavArchers in Melbourne1034
2ndVasiliades, GiorgioSOPA1005
3rdHatch, JamieCessnock Target Archers Inc.966
4thTankink, BrentBunbury Archery Club948
5thPrince, NeilTableland Company of Archers922
6thMarsh, RileySunshine Coast Archery Club914
7thIngram, EthanFrankston Archery Club Inc913
8thWillis, PatrickSunshine Coast Archery Club871
9thRanade, EeshanKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers859
10thMalin, HenryKu-Ring-Gai Bowmen830
11thLocke, HarrisonBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc799
12thWelch, JackWeston Valley Archery Club788
13thGillard, PeterNorthern Archers of Sydney779
14thCapetanakis, AriArchers in Melbourne773
15thGreen, ZanePioneer Archers Inc674
16thO'Gorman, JamesMt Petrie Bowmen Inc599
17thGardiner, GriffinSunshine Coast Archery Club517
18thDibden, Tristan-RyleyMt Petrie Bowmen Inc506
19thCornale, ThomasNorthern Archers of Sydney448
20thTse, BrandenSOPA444
21stDriver, CaelynKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers398
22ndLloyd, CalebWeston Valley Archery Club379
23rdLarsen, ToshiroTownsville Target Archers374
24thDunn, PatrickWeston Valley Archery Club268
25thPowell, AlexanderDiamond Valley Archers250
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 14 Male Barebow Compound
1stO'Gorman, DylanPhoenix Archery Club664
2ndLarizza, AntonioWerribee Archers inc.616
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 14 Male Barebow Recurve
1stLOBB, HugoArchers in Melbourne973
2ndJohnston, JordanSunshine Coast Archery Club469
3rdLennon, CharlieArchers in Melbourne453
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 16 Female Compound
1stFaul, EliseDiamond Valley Archers1117
2ndHowden, CaitlinDiamond Valley Archers1115
3rdCox, AilaniAdelaide Archery Club1072
4thDickson, KaitlynParinga Archers1072
5thMollema, AlyssaCessnock Target Archers Inc.1031
6thEdmondstone, KaitlinHervey Bay Archers977
7thWoodward, AlyceTuggeranong Archery Club928
8thBligh, EllaTownsville Target Archers796
9thHastie, FaithDiamond Valley Archers0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 16 Female Recurve
1stPaeglis, LauraArchers in Melbourne1087
2ndCheah, ChevyoneSOPA1059
3rdMavlian, IsabellaSOPA1032
4thBorchers, YvonneYokine Archery Club1030
5thLovas-Tiong, AdelynEden Field Archers1014
6thParington, ElizabethSOPA965
7thSavory, MirandaYokine Archery Club961
8thCain, KeeleyCressy Bowmen946
9thNewnham, IndigoWeston Valley Archery Club866
10thNguyen, GloriaSOPA845
11thContractor, IyanahBurnie Bowmen748
12thSciancalepore, ChloeKidman Archers Inc736
13thShen, Yi TingSOPA721
14thSmith, GabbieWarringah Archers Inc712
15thVan Galen, JordanSherbrooke Archers553
16thLocke, MeaganBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc505
17thKnight, BronwynDiamond Valley Archers282
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 16 Female Barebow Recurve
1stNewman, TeyanaDelta Archers inc462
2ndManiatopoulos, KiraWerribee Archers inc.446
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 16 Male Compound
1stCrampton, HaydenCoast Archers1154
2ndCallaghan-Audet, JabaraGold Coast Archery Club Inc1151
3rdFrancis, JaiKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers1151
4thBlake, RoryEden Field Archers1145
5thOrton, DrewTwin City Archers Gippsland1145
6thBentley, NicholasAdelaide Archery Club1144
7thOosthuizen, Danie-LouisBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1123
8thSchmidt (KGSA), LukeSamford Valley Target Archers1116
9thBryce, TristenSunshine Coast Archery Club1111
10thAnagnostou, AugustusWangaratta Archers1106
11thDavid, MetatronMoorabbin Archery Club1104
12thBuckland Willis, GabrielSOPA1102
13thCorkill, LiamTownsville Target Archers1066
14thBarkway, CalebYering District Archers Inc1055
15thRatsch, MacormackHervey Bay Archers1039
16thMorrison, RileySherbrooke Archers1034
17thPaynter, BlairMid North Archers1033
18thIsles, CaseyKidman Archers Inc1010
19thBerry, IsaacNorthern Archers of Sydney1010
20thDaken, WilliamThe Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc1007
21stPerry, YaganTableland Company of Archers997
22ndHor, DylanPhoenix Archery Club994
23rdAndrews, ZakKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers958
24thShean, NoahPenrith City Archers928
25thRhimes, LiamTwin City Archers Gippsland914
26thTaplin, MaxwellDelta Archers inc881
27thWeston, ElliotGold Coast Archery Club Inc865
28thHudson, WilliamYering District Archers Inc816
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 16 Male Recurve
1stGroszmann, ReganSunshine Coast Archery Club1057
2ndUpston, EddieSOPA1049
3rdMoffatt, AngusAdelaide Archery Club1044
4thReeves, ShaneAdelaide Archery Club1041
5thChambers-McLean, JackWarringah Archers Inc1034
6thFarmer, AlecWeston Valley Archery Club1033
7thChatterjee, ArunavArchers in Melbourne1033
8thGrant, JoshuaBowmen of Melville1015
9thSlack, NicholasWeston Valley Archery Club990
10thDoyle, RudySOPA982
11thHolmes, EthanAdelaide Archery Club939
12thIngram, EthanFrankston Archery Club Inc918
13thGenrich, ZaneMt Petrie Bowmen Inc895
14thGiumelli, EthanYokine Archery Club890
15thPate, RyanAngel Archers860
16thStone, BrennanPlantagenet Company of Archers777
17thde Kock, TiaanWhyalla Bowmen751
18thInnes, SterlingSunshine Coast Archery Club707
19thWalkington, SebArchers in Melbourne673
20thMcCormack, JacobArchers in Melbourne658
21stTan, EthanBondi Archers Inc.643
22ndSheppard, JhyeSherbrooke Archers631
23rdCotten, MatthewBaldivis Archery Club554
24thBunker, AaronPlantagenet Company of Archers515
25thCrowley, JosephSunshine Coast Archery Club277
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 16 Male Longbow
1stDennis, CaleMt Petrie Bowmen Inc468
2ndDuncan, MichaelBowmen of Melville279
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 16 Male Barebow Compound
1stByett, Steven JohnBaldivis Archery Club394
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 16 Male Barebow Recurve
1stAnagnostou, AugustusWangaratta Archers439
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 18 Female Compound
1stBoyle, MadelinePenrith City Archers1160
2ndBuscombe, AlanaCessnock Target Archers Inc.1139
3rdWalls, AnnaVan Diemen Archers1132
4thPrice, GemmaShirewood Forest Archers747
5thRuskin, EmilyGriffith City Archers0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 18 Female Recurve
1stClamback, AliLiverpool City Archers1074
2ndWood, JaymieMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1065
3rdNolan, EmmaYokine Archery Club1056
4thSavory, ArielleYokine Archery Club1037
5thBlyth, ShannonAdelaide Archery Club1029
6thGoodridge, KateSunshine Coast Archery Club1022
7thRobin, JulieMoorabbin Archery Club994
8thTrezise, LauraSOPA990
9thCox, JessicaCanberra Archery Club985
10thCufflin, ChloeSamford Valley Target Archers840
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 18 Female Longbow
1stCufflin, ChloeSamford Valley Target Archers195
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 18 Female Barebow Recurve
1stWoods, AlannahNorth Eastern Archers729
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 18 Male Compound
1stThompson, HamishSherbrooke Archers1190
2ndHowden, HarriDiamond Valley Archers1184
3rdRowley, NathanCanberra Archery Club1169
4thIneson, CallanVictor Harbor Archery Club1149
5thVissariou, ChrisMoorabbin Archery Club1142
6thAngus, AdrianMoorabbin Archery Club1142
7thSpringer, TobyHobart Archers1131
8thWoolcock, LiamHills Archers1128
9thRing, JJYering District Archers Inc1127
10thHudson, JackYering District Archers Inc1116
11thHatch, BrodieCessnock Target Archers Inc.1114
12thPikes, GavinKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers1078
13thMarkham, CaidynYering District Archers Inc1042
14thMcDowell, BenTableland Company of Archers1037
15thGreen, DeakanThe Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc957
16thBonifacio, MatthewDiamond Valley Archers566
17thInie, DalzielKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 18 Male Recurve
1stHurnall, JasonCanberra Archery Club1129
2ndDrieberg, DanielArchers of Greenwood1069
3rdTonizzo, ZacharyFrankston Archery Club Inc1039
4thWeyer, JosephSunshine Coast Archery Club1025
5thMooy, BradIllawarra Archers1019
6thMcPhail, SamuelBaldivis Archery Club1013
7thKim, AlexSOPA996
8thLewis, JetAdelaide Archery Club964
9thHellmrich, EthanKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers956
10thMeagher, WillMt Petrie Bowmen Inc948
11thDearlove, ColeYokine Archery Club939
12thPatel, CodyYokine Archery Club935
13thPummeroy, MaxArchers in Melbourne916
14thO'Neill, StefenBondi Archers Inc.912
15thGibson, MatthewBondi Archers Inc.872
16thRochfort, JamesFrankston Archery Club Inc866
17thSuito, FrancoFrankston Archery Club Inc858
18thWright, LiamZ Visitor756
19thHowearth, SynjunBondi Archers Inc.685
20thJackson, JakeArchers of Greenwood639
21stPikes, GavinKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers494
22ndWray, JamesShirewood Forest Archers0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 18 Male Longbow
1stParsons, GregoryDiamond Valley Archers669
2ndOyston, DanteArchers in Melbourne604
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 18 Male Barebow Recurve
1stNiejalke, SamualThe Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc714
2ndBrewer, KianSouth Eastern Target Archer Inc660
3rdGrant, HarrisFrankston Archery Club Inc645
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 21 Female Compound
1stWalls, AnnaVan Diemen Archers1133
2ndMcDougall, JessicaMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1126
3rdThomas, EmilyNewcastle City Archers1122
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 21 Female Recurve
1stHaywood, SarahHobart Archers1135
2ndReuther, ClareAdelaide Archery Club1103
3rdRogers, BreeFrankston Archery Club Inc1011
4thDuncan, NatalieBowmen of Melville957
5thCullen, SamanthaBaldivis Archery Club867
6thByrne, EllaSunshine Coast Archery Club540
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 21 Female Longbow
1stLow, OliviaWeston Valley Archery Club660
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 21 Female Barebow Recurve
1stManser, RebekahBlue Lake Archers536
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 21 Male Compound
1stHowden, HarriDiamond Valley Archers1180
2ndDUVENAGE, DeVilliersDiamond Valley Archers1179
3rdLeonard, RemyLismore City Archers1177
4thEverett, MatthewParinga Archers1153
5thBoyle, LiamKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers1152
6thBlyth, PaulAdelaide Archery Club1134
7thBreeden, SamuelYarra Valley Archers1132
8thAngus, AdrianMoorabbin Archery Club1128
9thCumming, DominicEden Field Archers1127
10thMooy, BradIllawarra Archers1118
11thLord, JaiEden Field Archers1116
12thBalla, ChrisAdelaide Archery Club1113
13thHayes, BlakePenrith City Archers1108
14thRathsam, NathanShirewood Forest Archers1094
15thBetterman, TristanCressy Bowmen1044
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Under 21 Male Recurve
1stStrickland, SamMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1153
2ndWilson, KaneWarringah Archers Inc1136
3rdKuhrau, MarkusDiamond Valley Archers1133
4thGaze, JamesMoorabbin Archery Club1129
5thHowell, BenArchers in Melbourne1121
6thBoukouvalas, PeterSOPA1100
7thKyriazis, NicholasSOPA1088
8thBlackburn, JacobFrankston Archery Club Inc1075
9thRoss, RussellSunshine Coast Archery Club1061
10thYoung, BaydenBunbury Archery Club1051
11thGarcia, JeremyBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1049
12thTansell, BraydenAdelaide Archery Club1036
13thAslanidis, CarmeloWarringah Archers Inc1030
14thPetit, JacobBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc994
15thCheah, LucasSOPA961
16thLyons-Clarkson, KylePhoenix Archery Club950
17thFleming, CorbanPlantagenet Company of Archers889
18thWang, ZenithBondi Archers Inc.880
19thSandison, MorganBaldivis Archery Club828
20thJefferies, ScottYokine Archery Club772
21stMcGrath, JackBondi Archers Inc.515
22ndPysden, BenBondi Archers Inc.436
23rdHills, StevenPlantagenet Company of Archers0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Female Compound
1stMorgan, RachelCanberra Archery Club1178
2ndJordan, SarahNorthern Archers of Sydney1162
3rdLeong, LydiaDiamond Valley Archers1157
4thHyde, FionaIllawarra Archers1154
5thFerris, MadeleineSamford Valley Target Archers1146
6thVerstegen, LaurenSherbrooke Archers1142
7thHillman, TracyLonsdale Archery Club inc.1141
8thCave, KarinaMoorabbin Archery Club1140
9thBlack, KerrenVictor Harbor Archery Club1126
10thWilson, HeleneWaverley City Archers1126
11thTee, Lee-AnnSherbrooke Archers1115
12thSchofield-Black, LauranaVictor Harbor Archery Club1115
13thNicholson, DebKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers1114
14thGibbons, BiancaLiverpool City Archers1110
15thGraham, EmilyHorsham Company of Archers Inc1107
16thHastie, TamaraDiamond Valley Archers1105
17thJones, NiamhGreater Hamilton Archery Inc1103
18thGill, JodiLismore City Archers1101
19thCunningham, NadiaBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1089
20thHooton, RebeccaBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1078
21stLee, ClairBowmen of Melville1054
22ndBettens, TracySouthern Vales Archery Club1054
23rdCocker, RebeccaTwin City Archers Gippsland1006
24thLeslie, AnnTwin City Archers Gippsland931
25thLingard, GuttelSherbrooke Archers802
26thLangenakker, HeatherTwin City Archers Gippsland685
27thBurrell, CassandraArchers of Greenwood474
28thMills, RhiannonVictor Harbor Archery Club281
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Female Recurve
1stHaywood, SarahHobart Archers1120
2ndKing, TaylaSOPA1119
3rdPaeglis, LauraArchers in Melbourne1104
4thWong, JoannaSOPA1099
5thMaxworthy, BelindaNorthern Archers of Sydney1092
6thReuther, ClareAdelaide Archery Club1091
7thWitherow, OliviaMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1087
8thWilliams, KirstyNorthern Archers of Sydney1073
9thStrahan, LeanneSherbrooke Archers1073
10thNelson-Furnell, DawnAngel Archers1069
11thMcCann, DonnaBowmen of Melville1063
12thSpencer, LeanneWarringah Archers Inc1063
13thGrabs, ChloeSunshine Coast Archery Club1059
14thJohnson, ClaireWeston Valley Archery Club1046
15thTan, AdrianaSOPA1044
16thSpinocchia, MelissaSOPA1036
17thWalkington, AmyGosnells Archers Inc1016
18thHealing, BronwynSamford Valley Target Archers1015
19thLavender, KimSOPA979
20thJohnson, NaomiAdelaide Archery Club977
21stLee, Ameera ChristinaSOPA974
22ndEddy, KaitlynWerribee Archers inc.973
23rdEllement, MoniqueBowmen of Melville964
24thDoyle, DaleSOPA938
25thNorman, RenaeKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers927
26thGordon, CarmenDiamond Valley Archers908
27thBlinkhorne, KiriWarringah Archers Inc906
28thFarmer, TanjaWeston Valley Archery Club884
29thDriver, NathalieKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers874
30thJames, SaskiaSOPA870
31stHinton, StellaMoorabbin Archery Club848
32ndTheyers, CherieWeston Valley Archery Club828
33rdChilcott, ShellSherbrooke Archers804
34thOwen-Tucker, AmandaBunbury Archery Club786
35thAlloway, TraceyTownsville Target Archers776
36thAllen, KymWeston Valley Archery Club728
37thPan, EmmaBowmen of Melville725
38thSHARROCK, AnnDiamond Valley Archers657
39thOtway, SonyaBunbury Archery Club559
40thSimons, KristySouthern Vales Archery Club483
41stManley-Smith, JessicaFrankston Archery Club Inc0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Female Longbow
1stSimpson, AngelaKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers591
2ndLyons, JanineDiamond Valley Archers556
3rdWebster, FarrylBowmen of Melville248
4thLee, ClairBowmen of Melville238
5thWilson, HeleneWaverley City Archers127
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Female Barebow Compound
1stHatch, RebeccaCessnock Target Archers Inc.937
2ndLouise, JuliaAngel Archers750
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Female Barebow Recurve
1stTremelling, DebbieAngel Archers896
2ndGreig, RosSherbrooke Archers878
3rdJones, DeborahGreater Hamilton Archery Inc809
4thGreenham, MeredithNorthern Archers of Sydney796
5thKiefhaber, KathrynBondi Archers Inc.781
6thVissariou, PenelopeMoorabbin Archery Club654
7thPelly, LucyDiamond Valley Archers654
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Male Compound
1stPotts, AlecArchers in Melbourne1193
2ndCoghlan, PatVictor Harbor Archery Club1190
3rdMcDougall, MattMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1189
4thJacobs, DerekMoorabbin Archery Club1187
5thThompson, HamishSherbrooke Archers1184
6thVerstegen, MarcelSherbrooke Archers1183
7thBuscombe, ScottCessnock Target Archers Inc.1182
8thOosthuizen, DanieBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1178
9thLeonard, RemyLismore City Archers1176
10thBielby, AdamTwin City Archers Gippsland1173
11thBagnell, PaulVictor Harbor Archery Club1172
12thBrice, ScottCentenary Archers Club1172
13thMorgan, BrettBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1171
14thMilne, JonathonSOPA1170
15thEverett, MatthewParinga Archers1168
16thFourie, MichaelBondi Archers Inc.1165
17thRoodt, FransSamford Valley Target Archers1165
18thMamo, JustinEden Field Archers1163
19thSinclair, DamienSherbrooke Archers1162
20thKilby, CraeTuggeranong Archery Club1161
21stBarrett, TristanSamford Valley Target Archers1159
22ndHeywood, NickParinga Archers1159
23rdCurran, DanielSOPA1159
24thPavitt, BenjaminCentenary Archers Club1159
25thFreischmidt, AntonWerribee Archers inc.1158
26thJones, BrendanGreater Hamilton Archery Inc1158
27thCross, DavidBlue Lake Archers1158
28thHastie, ShaunDiamond Valley Archers1157
29thKing, AlexSOPA1157
30thEagle, PaulTwin City Archers Gippsland1156
31stHunt, GlenTuggeranong Archery Club1156
32ndHann, StevenAdelaide Archery Club1156
33rdHowden, JulianDiamond Valley Archers1155
34thLowther, AaronTuggeranong Archery Club1155
35thCheah, RicciSOPA1152
36thSekhon, GurvinderDiamond Valley Archers1149
37thWearne, SamByron Shire Archery Club Inc.1149
38thMilam, RobCressy Bowmen1148
39thHEWITT, MarkDiamond Valley Archers1147
40thName withheldClub name withheld1147
41stKilsby, BenBlue Lake Archers1147
42ndTafft, NicSouthern Vales Archery Club1145
43rdKok, JustinSOPA1144
44thHatch, MattCessnock Target Archers Inc.1144
45thHagaman, ScottSamford Valley Target Archers1142
46thHinsby, GeoffBarrier Coast Archery Inc1142
47thBreeden, SamuelYarra Valley Archers1142
48thMoors, KieranSouthern Vales Archery Club1142
49thDemaria, TonyAdelaide Archery Club1142
50thMorrison, MarkSherbrooke Archers1141
51stBerry, NormanNorthern Archers of Sydney1139
52ndDe Weerd, PaulFrankston Archery Club Inc1137
53rdLow, AlexSunshine Coast Archery Club1137
54thBottcher, TimThe Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc1136
55thReynolds, NickYering District Archers Inc1135
56thPotts, GrahamVictor Harbor Archery Club1134
57thMariani, PeterPhillip Island Target Archers Inc1133
58thToop, WilliamSherbrooke Archers1133
59thNiejalke, MarcusThe Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc1133
60thAttarian, RaminCentenary Archers Club1132
61stHooper, SimonBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1131
62ndMillar, DavidKidman Archers Inc1130
63rdBulanadi, PaulSOPA1128
64thVallelonga, DanielBowmen of Melville1127
65thChaplin, JackChewton Bowmen Inc1126
66thRust, CarlSydney Bowmen Archery Club1126
67thCole, MarshallSouthern Vales Archery Club1125
68thRamirez, BJTuggeranong Archery Club1125
69thArmstrong, VaughnBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1124
70thRawoteea, AndrewSherbrooke Archers1124
71stChatwin, TonyBurnie Bowmen1123
72ndJohnston, NathanBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1122
73rdReinbott, MarkZ Visitor1119
74thHeydenrych, StephanBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1118
75thO'Donnell, RyanYering District Archers Inc1118
76thRawlings, TrevBurnie Bowmen1117
77thRing, JohnYering District Archers Inc1116
78thMollema, JohnCessnock Target Archers Inc.1115
79thBorland, MatthewThe Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc1115
80thCampbell, MatthewShirewood Forest Archers1112
81stAnderton, RoarkAmateur Archery Centre1112
82ndBruce, MalcolmBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1110
83rdKok, ShaunSOPA1110
84thDixon, MarkBurnie Bowmen1109
85thPerry, IanBlue Lake Archers1107
86thWood, AndrewNorthern Archers of Sydney1107
87thBrehin, FredVictor Harbor Archery Club1104
88thDavis, MikeSunset Coast Archers1102
89thBalla, AttilaAdelaide Archery Club1101
90thHudson, AnthonyYering District Archers Inc1100
91stGultom, AaronYarra Valley Archers1097
92ndLingard, RobSherbrooke Archers1096
93rdHumphreys, AdamBunbury Archery Club1095
94thRatsch, MarkHervey Bay Archers1093
95thForrest, TomWendouree Archery Club1091
96thDoneman, ChrisGreater Hamilton Archery Inc1091
97thBarkway, NeilYering District Archers Inc1090
98thMezentseff, DanielArchers in Melbourne1090
99thBauer, TonyHervey Bay Archers1089
100thHooton, StephenZ Visitor1087
101stWren, CarlBaldivis Archery Club1085
102ndGleeson, MichaelTownsville Target Archers1082
103rdBarnwell, MartynMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1080
104thClark, DamianParinga Archers1076
105thMatthews, AllanArchers in Melbourne1076
106thWay, ScottZ Visitor1072
107thPrice, HarveyMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1071
108thStokes, DerekWaverley City Archers1069
109thMurray, PaulMoorabbin Archery Club1066
110thWeedon, SamuelYering District Archers Inc1066
111thOwen, BarryBunbury Archery Club1065
112thSabrimotafegh, BarzinDelta Archers inc1062
113thFratini, RoyPenrith City Archers1059
114thKirton, BenEden Field Archers1059
115thRhimes, AdamTwin City Archers Gippsland1036
116thWatt, PaulChewton Bowmen Inc1023
117thJust, AlexWeston Valley Archery Club1011
118thRust, BenDiamond Valley Archers1008
119thYuan, JustinMoorabbin Archery Club984
120thStocker, JonathanBarrier Coast Archery Inc808
121stBALMER, TroyDiamond Valley Archers588
122ndHorne, StevenDiamond Valley Archers576
123rdPankhurst, ScottSherbrooke Archers571
124thMcKnight, MarkArchers in Melbourne552
125thTowill, NickArchery Park Archers457
126thStanton, MurrayYering District Archers Inc279
127thSelvaratnam, DavidZ Visitor210
128thDiamantopoulos, GeorgeDiamond Valley Archers0
128thEllis, JamesCoast Archers0
128thWhite, MatthewCanberra Archery Club0
128thPerry, BrentonCanberra Archery Club0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Male Recurve
1stTyack, RyanSunshine Coast Archery Club1173
2ndWorth, TaylorMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1170
3rdPotts, AlecArchers in Melbourne1165
4thStrickland, SamMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1158
5thGaze, JamesMoorabbin Archery Club1150
6thDarcy, AstinCanberra Archery Club1145
7thHowell, BenArchers in Melbourne1123
8thCsizmadia, DeneFrankston Archery Club Inc1114
9thBester, DawidSOPA1108
10thKuhrau, MarkusDiamond Valley Archers1100
11thDu Toit, AndreFrankston Archery Club Inc1097
12thButterworth, JasonYarra Valley Archers1092
13thRowe, NicholasYokine Archery Club1089
14thChoy, PeterBowmen of Melville1083
15thWei, VictorSOPA1083
16thDelos Reyes, EduardoBondi Archers Inc.1082
17thRock, DylanSamford Valley Target Archers1081
18thPilcher, StuartArchers of Greenwood1081
19thGreitschus, JarrydMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1079
20thMiddendorp, GerardAngel Archers1077
21stHackett, NeilHobart Archers1071
22ndHorne, StevenDiamond Valley Archers1071
23rdde Mello, ChrisAdelaide Archery Club1067
24thKing, AlexSOPA1065
25thGiang, MarkoSOPA1064
26thHann, StevenAdelaide Archery Club1062
27thMort, BrendanSOPA1052
28thHolland, MattAdelaide Archery Club1048
29thNardi, DamienByron Shire Archery Club Inc.1047
30thBinkert, AdrianYering District Archers Inc1047
31stSouphandavong, SimonAdelaide Archery Club1042
32ndChai, ErwinSOPA1042
33rdJackson, GregArchers of Greenwood1039
34thPhan, VictorZ Visitor1036
35thNorman, LukeWerribee Archers inc.1036
36thBills, TimYering District Archers Inc1029
37thSmith, RichardDiamond Valley Archers1029
38thTonizzo, ZacharyFrankston Archery Club Inc1025
39thTurner, DavinSunshine Coast Archery Club1024
40thPhillips, AnthonyYokine Archery Club1021
41stDoyle, JasonSOPA1020
42ndFerdinando, DarrenYokine Archery Club1017
43rdVial, AnthonyShirewood Forest Archers1014
44thOng, JulianArchers in Melbourne998
45thAsplin, MackinleyBowmen of Melville981
46thHu, EricBondi Archers Inc.970
47thWhite, RonAmateur Archery Centre966
48thBaker, GrahamMt Petrie Bowmen Inc965
49thJinks, JasonWerribee Archers inc.963
50thFigliuzzi, FrankSOPA961
51stTrussell, AlexZ Visitor956
52ndChilcott, ShaneBurnie Bowmen955
53rdO'Connor, SimonBondi Archers Inc.943
54thKerr, MichaelBowmen of Melville942
55thDibden, ScottMt Petrie Bowmen Inc941
56thAmbrose, GlennYarra Bowmen941
57thExcell, AdrianWeston Valley Archery Club940
58thOvermars, AnthonyDiamond Valley Archers929
59thShahabi, AbdullahSunset Coast Archers912
60thSeymour, ScottArchers of Greenwood910
61stKim, Joon SungArchery NSW898
62ndDonagemma, FrancescoArchery NSW897
63rdGibbons, JamesDiamond Valley Archers896
64thHarrison, MichaelMt Petrie Bowmen Inc893
65thVellin, MarcArchers in Melbourne865
66thTonizzo, AdamFrankston Archery Club Inc850
67thde Kock, ChrisWhyalla Bowmen836
68thPage, BenSOPA800
69thCordingley, MarkSOPA789
70thReyes, WarrenArchers in Melbourne773
71stBlack, AndrewArchers of Greenwood769
72ndd'Aboville, ThibautYokine Archery Club739
73rdMcGuane, DarrenDiamond Valley Archers733
74thBarling, SamWeston Valley Archery Club686
75thLean, ChristianMt Petrie Bowmen Inc571
76thWebb, ThomasSouthern Vales Archery Club529
77thNeal, DanielFrankston Archery Club Inc502
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Male Longbow
1stLyons, ReeceDiamond Valley Archers888
2ndRobinson, ThomasArchers in Melbourne853
3rdCurran, KevinSOPA745
4thCruz, MarioArchers in Melbourne622
5thMezentseff, DanielArchers in Melbourne602
6thPotts, AlecArchers in Melbourne483
7thNelson, ChrisLismore City Archers288
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Male Barebow Recurve
1stFisher, MichaelIllawarra Archers1086
2ndMcColl, GordonWerribee Archers inc.992
3rdBurton, AndrewFrankston Archery Club Inc971
4thCampbell, ScottDelta Archers inc930
5thLawlor, WilliamSOPA929
6thBartlett, MarkTuggeranong Archery Club890
7thLeniart, LukeWerribee Archers inc.877
8thOng, BenMountain Archers Inc876
9thHandley, PaulNorthern Archers of Sydney872
10thJohnston, BradSunshine Coast Archery Club861
11thBengtsson, MikaelDiamond Valley Archers842
12thWatkins, JarrydFrankston Archery Club Inc782
13thHickin, ChristopherSOPA715
14thBishop, JohnGreater Hamilton Archery Inc687
15thToffolon, MattGreater Hamilton Archery Inc635
16thLow, JacksonWeston Valley Archery Club553
17thGotsis, TomSydney Bowmen Archery Club513
18thFairlamb, GavinWeston Valley Archery Club511
19thVouroudis, JordanBondi Archers Inc.509
20thGrant, HarrisFrankston Archery Club Inc354
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Open Male Crossbow
1stHahn, GraemeKidman Archers Inc1151
2ndDibdin, MarkSouthern Vales Archery Club1137
3rdBlatch, PaulSouthern Vales Archery Club1105
4thRhimes, AdamTwin City Archers Gippsland980
5thInglis, AaronTwin City Archers Gippsland790
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Female Compound
1stLewis, YvonneAdelaide Archery Club1133
2ndHagaman, AlisonSamford Valley Target Archers1121
3rdSacco, TaniaSherbrooke Archers1120
4thHeath, KerryCoast Archers1092
5thBetterman, MargaretCressy Bowmen1054
6thBauer, TracyHervey Bay Archers1051
7thMarkham, JohannaYering District Archers Inc942
8thPeerdeman, LisaLismore City Archers895
9thTowill, MichaelaBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc804
10thCoutts, AnnetteSherbrooke Archers558
11thBennett, VivTwin City Archers Gippsland0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Female Recurve
1stFinter, DakotaTownsville PCYC Archery1077
2ndNelson-Furnell, DawnAngel Archers1069
3rdLewis, SallyAdelaide Archery Club1020
4thDuncan, KayeBowmen of Melville982
5thLyons, JanineDiamond Valley Archers938
6thGuyot, KarenNorthern Archers of Sydney936
7thHaining, FionaBowmen of Melville931
8thYoud, TrudyBurnie Bowmen912
9thZwingmann, NaokoSunset Coast Archers873
10thAxton, TracieNorthern Archers of Sydney857
11thda Silva Robertson, AnabelaCoast Archers857
12thSutherland, AnnSunset Coast Archers854
13thMiddendorp, GerardineAngel Archers844
14thDraeger, DebbieParinga Archers682
15thWhite, AntoinetteSamford Valley Target Archers655
16thHalligan, DeidreYering District Archers Inc621
17thHennig, SusanGreater Hamilton Archery Inc609
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Female Longbow
1stLICHT, SherynDiamond Valley Archers838
2ndHewlett, BevelynMt Petrie Bowmen Inc789
3rdWallace, SiobhanArchers in Melbourne717
4thFrankel, KarenKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers678
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Female Barebow Recurve
1stBoyd, GaynorBellingen Archers912
2ndGreig, RosSherbrooke Archers900
3rdTremelling, DebbieAngel Archers858
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Female Assisted Crossbow
1stGrimston, SharonIllawarra Archers1151
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Male Compound
1stPotts, GrahamVictor Harbor Archery Club1163
2ndEvans, TonySunshine Coast Archery Club1159
3rdRogers, GeoffWendouree Archery Club1158
4thCottier, ChrisWhiteman Park Archers1155
5thHowden, JulianDiamond Valley Archers1155
6thBennett, PeterTwin City Archers Gippsland1149
7thBoyle, ToddPenrith City Archers1149
8thNapoli, ShaunNorthern Archers of Sydney1148
9thDigby, TyroneNorthern Archers of Sydney1145
10thTrudgett, MarkPenrith City Archers1138
11thArthur, George PhilipBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1135
12thAndreazzi, TizianoTwin City Archers Gippsland1134
13thMarchant, PeterTuggeranong Archery Club1132
14thSpringer, ChristopherHobart Archers1131
15thO'Donnell, WayneYering District Archers Inc1126
16thCarter, ScottLiverpool City Archers1126
17thCottier, KevinBowmen of Melville1124
18thSimmons, MickMoorabbin Archery Club1122
19thFewson, BrettTuggeranong Archery Club1121
20thFaulkner, KevinHobart Archers1106
21stRobinson, TonyWaverley City Archers1101
22ndGoodwin, TonyTableland Company of Archers1100
23rdBlake, MichaelEden Field Archers1097
24thRoberts, TimGreater Hamilton Archery Inc1088
25thRowley, MichaelCanberra Archery Club1087
26thMarnane, MichaelTableland Company of Archers1081
27thHoeboer, MichaelYering District Archers Inc1077
28thGraham, AlexanderDiamond Valley Archers1059
29thLamperd, EdwardYokine Archery Club1059
30thBosman, MarkNorthern Archers of Sydney1042
31stBlazely, DarrenBurnie Bowmen1035
32ndCheah, AndrewSOPA1012
33rdWachtler, RenTableland Company of Archers977
34thdu Plessis, SarelKidman Archers Inc950
35thMaclean, ScottSamford Valley Target Archers484
36thRichards, AdamMt Petrie Bowmen Inc0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Male Recurve
1stLarven, MichaelBellingen Archers1100
2ndOpie, GregEden Field Archers1093
3rdHackett, NeilHobart Archers1087
4thMiddendorp, GerardAngel Archers1087
5thKearney, PaulFrankston Archery Club Inc1085
6thGarner, JeffParinga Archers1061
7thSpencer, WiltonGosnells Archers Inc1060
8thSteiner, MarekSOPA1054
9thGrossman, GrahamBowmen of Melville1042
10thBrown, AdamBowmen of Melville1039
11thAstbury, CharlesMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1034
12thBowen, PaulSherbrooke Archers1024
13thMaxworthy, AnthonyNorthern Archers of Sydney1022
14thHeath, KelvinCoast Archers1017
15thRobertson, LeighArchers in Melbourne1011
16thDrown, ChrisAdelaide Archery Club1007
17thCaon, DanielAdelaide Archery Club1001
18thCalandruccio, StirlingWarringah Archers Inc997
19thROMAN, Tad.Diamond Valley Archers994
20thCheah, SteveSOPA974
21stStevens, MarkLiverpool City Archers971
22ndGuyot, SteveNorthern Archers of Sydney958
23rdKnight, WarwickDiamond Valley Archers954
24thNewnham, MarkWeston Valley Archery Club944
25thNelson-Furnell, PeterAngel Archers903
26thAyers, CraigLiverpool City Archers887
27thBond, GavinWaverley City Archers885
28thBailey, DominicBurnie Bowmen854
29thHatton, DavidCoast Archers786
30thBrown, IanWeston Valley Archery Club691
31stGillard, MichaelNorthern Archers of Sydney502
32ndBarling, PatWeston Valley Archery Club462
33rdLarsen, PeterTownsville Target Archers283
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Male Longbow
1stSchilling, MichaelSamford Valley Target Archers848
2ndBarwick, DavidSamford Valley Target Archers782
3rdPadley, StevenBaldivis Archery Club720
4thTyack, ColinMt Petrie Bowmen Inc718
5thSmith, AnthonyLoxley Archers670
6thWilliams, CraigKu-Ring-Gai Bowmen542
7thCarlile, MarkYarra Valley Archers498
8thNelson-Furnell, PeterAngel Archers369
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Male Barebow Compound
1stSpry, WarrenMedieval Archers951
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Male Barebow Recurve
1stSlade, MarkDiamond Valley Archers924
2ndBurton, AndrewFrankston Archery Club Inc920
3rdBarwick, DavidSamford Valley Target Archers914
4thBerry, MarkIllawarra Archers912
5thMickey, ScottDiamond Valley Archers875
6thBruce, GeoffSherbrooke Archers862
7thWhiley, GregorSOPA845
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
50+ Male Crossbow
1stDownes, AdrianCoast Archers1125
2ndMorriss, ChrisSouthern Vales Archery Club1104
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Female Compound
1stFerris, MadeleineSamford Valley Target Archers1128
2ndMartin, SueAdelaide Archery Club1082
3rdCheras, KerryMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1080
4thWhelan, MargHills Archers1047
5thCass, JudithYarra Valley Archers994
6thSim, PearlySOPA949
7thHockley, HazelWaverley City Archers178
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Female Recurve
1stMoylan, WendyCressy Bowmen991
2ndHole, ElizabethLiverpool City Archers942
3rdMiddendorp, GerardineAngel Archers915
4thSymes, JudithSamford Valley Target Archers876
5thHarris, SallyKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers858
6thStorey, KarenBaldivis Archery Club710
7thHoward, SherynPlantagenet Company of Archers658
8thTaylor, MargrethBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc642
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Female Longbow
1stDickinson, KathyKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers663
2ndTyson, WendyMt Petrie Bowmen Inc584
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Female Barebow Compound
1stMartir, FlocySt George Archers Inc582
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Male Compound
1stPark, JamesSherbrooke Archers1155
2ndWood, ChrisYarra Bowmen1152
3rdWellings, RandallHervey Bay Archers1151
4thCave, PeterMoorabbin Archery Club1150
5thDyer, GeoffParinga Archers1150
6thBlesing, GeoffCressy Bowmen1141
7thLarven, JamesLiverpool City Archers1140
8thMulligan, PeterTownsville Target Archers1130
9thFoster, KimDiamond Valley Archers1120
10thCurran, KevinSOPA1108
11thHarris, IanBlue Lake Archers1108
12thStones, ColinGosnells Archers Inc1104
13thCrabtree, DavidBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc1103
14thStaples, GarryBarossa Archery Club1096
15thBorchert, HaraldKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers1087
16thBoylan, NattEden Field Archers1073
17thHodgetts, RobertTableland Company of Archers1035
18thJacques, GarryBlue Lake Archers1025
19thDobson, AlistairLiverpool City Archers984
20thRonnie, RichardLiverpool City Archers977
21stTurner, StewartGreater Hamilton Archery Inc957
22ndCollinson, MichaelTownsville Target Archers943
23rdCornish, LeighSherbrooke Archers566
24thClarke, RobertFrankston Archery Club Inc560
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Male Recurve
1stDall, IanThe Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc1078
2ndBessell, IanBurnie Bowmen1063
3rdChant, RalphChewton Bowmen Inc1040
4thMaple, ThomasSunset Coast Archers1033
5thBlunden, AndrewCanberra Archery Club1026
6thNeate, WilliamCanberra Archery Club1022
7thMaxfield, GarryPenrith City Archers1006
8thSim, NormanSOPA1002
9thBeavis, PaulMt Petrie Bowmen Inc985
10thGillett, KevinSOPA965
11thDuthie, AlvinBaldivis Archery Club959
12thKemp, AlanTownsville Target Archers954
13thGodwin, GraemeAngel Archers867
14thTiong, StephenEden Field Archers861
15thHennig, PeterGreater Hamilton Archery Inc860
16thLuobikis, DennisTwin City Archers Gippsland841
17thJankovic, RadTownsville Target Archers800
18thPeers, BarrieParinga Archers744
19thGauld, StuartTownsville Target Archers599
20thBrier-Mills, RodneyMt Petrie Bowmen Inc541
21stO'Brien, PaulSamford Valley Target Archers431
22ndMoylan, KenCressy Bowmen28
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Male Longbow
1stLyons, ReeceDiamond Valley Archers880
2ndLICHT, GuenterDiamond Valley Archers832
3rdShield, MalcolmArchers in Melbourne748
4thSznek, GeorgeTwin City Archers Gippsland650
5thLuobikis, DennisTwin City Archers Gippsland624
6thBroady, RaymondSOPA528
7thJones, AnthonyLoxley Archers500
8thGirard, Kevin JamesPenrith City Archers464
9thKrombach, PeterArchers in Melbourne371
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Male Barebow Recurve
1stBruce, GeoffSherbrooke Archers902
2ndStark, DonTwin City Archers Gippsland860
3rdPouzet, DominiqueFrankston Archery Club Inc832
4thSznek, GeorgeTwin City Archers Gippsland780
5thSymes, BruceSamford Valley Target Archers553
6thMarchesani, PeterArchers of Greenwood477
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
60+ Male Crossbow
1stTurner, John WKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers1137
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Female Compound
1stWillis, MarianKalamunda Governor Stirling Archers1082
2ndWright, MariaWarringah Archers Inc1078
3rdAnderson, AileenAdelaide Archery Club1021
4thBochow, HelenTableland Company of Archers944
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Female Recurve
1stSwain, SueBenara Bowmen Archery Club Inc850
2ndStrutton, LydiaVictor Harbor Archery Club616
3rdBryce, DonnellArchery NSW587
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Female Longbow
1stPettman, PamAdelaide Archery Club584
2ndDunstan, SandyCentenary Archers Club493
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Female Barebow Recurve
1stWesterman, ElaineMt Petrie Bowmen Inc304
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Male Compound
1stGardner, JohnSamford Valley Target Archers1122
2ndHogben, JohnIllawarra Archers1103
3rdGardener, PaulWangaratta Archers1102
4thGrinstead, MervTwin City Archers Gippsland1092
5thMaria, AlfredoGosnells Archers Inc1092
6thEdwards, DennisGold Coast Archery Club Inc1077
7thLumby, NormanLiverpool City Archers1056
8thHarris, GeorgeTownsville Target Archers1012
9thBarden, PatrickSamford Valley Target Archers1002
10thLeitao, CharlesSherbrooke Archers968
11thCarrington, JohnBaldivis Archery Club924
12thVella, DamienWendouree Archery Club910
13thMorgan, Ray.Archers in Melbourne840
14thBayley, LenBlue Lake Archers764
15thWalton, DarrylBunbury Archery Club415
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Male Recurve
1stMoore, WayneFrog Hollow Archery Club1033
2ndFrewin, KeithMt Petrie Bowmen Inc1010
3rdBurnell, RobertMt Petrie Bowmen Inc996
4thHides, LeonSOPA983
5thHardy, RonaldChewton Bowmen Inc965
6thDrake, DarrylSydney Bowmen Archery Club898
7thGodwin, GraemeAngel Archers866
8thPeers, BarrieParinga Archers840
9thNelson, MauriceAngel Archers742
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Male Longbow
1stPettman, DeanAdelaide Archery Club838
2ndFouracre, MikeSydney Bowmen Archery Club808
3rdHale, PeterSOPA778
4thShield, MalcolmArchers in Melbourne776
5thCreelman, BarryBowmen of Melville694
6thSheehan, RobertLiverpool City Archers663
7thHardy, RonaldChewton Bowmen Inc596
8thKeenan, BobTuggeranong Archery Club593
9thNorthover, RobinDiamond Valley Archers528
10thHassard, HughLoxley Archers427
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Male Barebow Compound
1stEggermont, WillySt George Archers Inc884
2ndByett, BrianBaldivis Archery Club398
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Male Barebow Recurve
1stMcColl, GordonWerribee Archers inc.1007
2ndEgan, RobertBowmen of Melville735
3rdPetersen, RicEden Field Archers680
4thAlikay, KuytimZ Visitor488
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
70+ Male Crossbow
1stWaller, DavidTuggeranong Archery Club973
2ndDowden, JohnCanberra Archery Club968
3rdGrinstead, MervTwin City Archers Gippsland0
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Para Female Compound
1stWoods, RebeccaSOPA806
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Para Male Compound
1stRobinson, GarrySOPA960
2ndWoodward, LukeTuggeranong Archery Club500
Archer & PlacingClubTotal
Para Male Recurve
1stGlasby, CraigSamford Valley Target Archers981
2ndGreen, StevenMt Petrie Bowmen Inc961
3rdKenton-Smith, TaymonSamford Valley Target Archers955